The development in the Ukraine shows that peace and well-being cannot be taken for granted – not even in Europe. Looking back we are reminded that Europe was a continent torn apart by virulent conflicts. And also recent developments confirm that we should deal diligently with Europe – a project we have inherited from our parents and grandparents. Europe and its history dominated by borders feature also in the movie „Böhmische Dörfer" which was presented at the 28th "Bozner Filmtage". The film was also discussed in the Palais. The director Peter Zach und the producer Jana Cisar met on 12 April 2014 with Wolftraud Schreiber de Concini, a witness to history to discuss what it is that makes us feel at home in a given territory. Wolftraud Schreiber de Concini just published a book on Bohemia ("Böhmen hin und zurück") and the complex relationship between Germany and the Czech Republic.