The 8th direct elections for the European Parliament are ante portas: they are going to take place on 25 May 2014. Time to invite again for a palaistalks. Guests were the candidates from South Tyrol, namely Herbert Dorfmann (SVP), Oktavia Brugger (Tsipras list) and Pius Leitner (Südtiroler Freiheitlichen). We were not short of burning questions. Will the turnout be even lower than in 2009 reducing the elections more and more to real second order elections unable to raise any interest in Europe's populations? Or, to the contrary, are we witnessing a true European debate where the parties have finally nominated Europe-wide candidates for the office of the president of the European Commission? Where do we need more European Union and where less? Seventy guests discussed these and many other interesting points with the prominent guests. At the end we all knew more. But it remained open what the end of May 2014 will do to the future of the EU.